Friday, 30 September 2011


1.                             What colours would you like to see in a school magazine?
-Yellow and black
-white and
-Black and white
-Blue and yellow
2.                             Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
- King’s gos’
-Henry times
-Henaz da’ VIII
-King Henry
3.                             Are you male or a female?
4.                             How do you receive your information from the media?
-The internet
5.                             Please circle two of the following storys that would interest you.
-School news
-Latest school success
-School gossip
-Teachers lives
6.                             What year group are you in?
-Sixth form
7.                             Who would you want the magazine to be aimed at?
-School teachers
-students (sixth form)
-years eleven and bellow

8.                             Would you buy the school magazine?
- Yes
- No
9.                             How much would you pay for the magazine? ( be responsible)
- 01p to 50p
-50p to £1.00
-£1.00 to £2.00
-anything above £2.00
10.               Which of the following slogans do you like.
-Chosen by you, made for you!
-School of the historic pimp
-Welcome back
-A new start, for some.
-Learning made fun..kinda

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