Wednesday 14 December 2011

Music fan profile

Grime kid
Age 15-25
What is he wearing? Snap back or fitted cap, peak pointed up with a logo printed on the front panel, printed tee, slim fit jeans and a pair of fancy skate shoes regardless of taking no interest in skating.
Listening Latest grime, electro, dubstep, drum&bass and maybe some rap; Example, Skrillex, Dizzie Rascal, Kid cudi,  Tinnie Tempah, Rizzle Kicks, Pendulum- Bit of a mixture of music, but as long as it’s got heavy bass and a wicked drop, it’s all good. 
Wants to be the next biggest hit, producing the sickest beats with the finest label in the business, if serious about MC’ing; Otherwise working for a music magazine company, helping create the front page of each copy ( maybe we should hire him! )
Find him in town chilling with a group of his mates, in gigs or festivals at the front of the crowd right next to the speakers getting deafened by the bass, and loving it!

Music magazine progression

Monday 28 November 2011

Reader profile questionnaire

  1. Are you male or female?
  2. How old are you?
    17 or above
  3. Do you work part time?
  4. How do you purchases albums and tracks?
    Via download
    Purchase at a store
  5. Do you still study in College/Sixthform/Uni
  6. How often do you go to gigs?
    1-2 times a month
    2-3 times a month
    3-4 times a month
    More than 4 times a month
  7. How do you purchase your tickets?
    At stores
  8. Do you enjoy listening to new artist
    No, prefer the older artists
  9. Do you own a PC/MAC?
  10. Do you own an Ipod/MP3
  11. Do you own a stereo
  12. Do you own a DVD player?
  13. Do you own a Smartphone/Iphone
  14. Do you own an Ipad/Android tablet
  15. Do you own a games console/ PC gaming
  16. Do you use social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr? If so please state
    No, none

Thursday 24 November 2011

Main image, possible inspiration-

I found this album cover while looking into what genre to involve in my music magazine (rap/grime), i thought the image style would make a good main image on my front cover, so i may take an image in a similar style as this to use on my cover.

Things i need to consider when using a main image on my music magazine cover-

  • Setting
  • Costume
  • Props 
  • Camera angle
  • Lighting
  • Background
  • Model position
  • Hair style
  • Make up
  • Number of models
  • Shot distance
  • The genre
  • Pose
  • Composition

Friday 11 November 2011

Magazine front cover Evaluation

When I first set out to create my magazine cover I handed out a questionnaire to a few selected people, this questionnaire was to determent what people would like, and prefer to feature on the front cover of the school magazine.

With the results of this questionnaire I took many answers into consideration, like for example the fact that it should be aimed at six formers and also the yellow and black colour scheme.
However, on some decisions i decided to go my own route and go with what I thought belonged on my magazine front cover.

For the main image I used a photo I took of two six formers who I know and are good friends, so I knew they would be liable to trust to be mature about this kind of thing. I specifically chose a female and male as not to be sexist and only have one sex on the front cover, as being aimed at the six form, this magazine should also be aimed at all sexes.

As for the title and slogan, I decided to go with the orginal KHS just simply because, its big, bold stands out and looks good. However I chose to use this ‘comic’ slogan as for one it gained the highest vote on my questionnaire and also, as this magazine is aimed at six formers, who would be the age 16-18 then they would understand a joke like this and shouldn’t find it offensive in anyway.

I aimed the main sell line to year 12, ‘Yeah 12? It’s a whole new start!’ Mostly because I myself am in year 12 and also the students on the front are also in the same year as I am. Then the sell lines at the bottom where mainly random story's that I included in my  questionnaire, but also my final one ‘MW3: Help with your addiction!’ I used this due to the latest release of an extremely popular FPS video game, which can be easily related to by a lot of students in the sixth form. 

JPEG of front cover.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Magazine Photo Shoot Planning Document

 Use the following document to plan each of the photographs on the front cover of your school magazine.

Shoot date and time
        Monday, 10th October 12:20am 

Image Description

   Two, mid shot of chosen students stood
  next to each other looking happy.

Shoot Location

Upper school hall, in front of a coloured bored.
Model / person contact Details
Jake heckles, Lizzie Williams

Permission Details

Red backboard

Plan of shots

I assured that my shots where two, mid shots of my models and that they were in a position where they could be cropped to fit on my front cover.

Friday 30 September 2011

Possible magazine front cover.

Questionnaire results evaluation

To pinpoint what my target audience wanted to get out of the school magazine that I will be making a cover for, I handed out eight questionnaires to eight individuals in my school year group and from this I gathered information from their responses that I have found will help me in making my magazine cover, the way my targeted audience wants it.
Six out of eight pupils answered that the colours they associate with the school are yellow and black, and from these results, I am going to go with the majority and use the yellow and black colour scheme. However fifty percent of the minority chose black and white, and the other fifty percent chose blue and yellow, so I may take this into consideration when designing my cover.
I gave the pupils a small list of mast heads that I had chosen and asked them the question ‘which of the following mastheads do you prefer?’ and from this question I got a very wide range of results, almost every option was chosen. Three of the eight pupils chose the masthead- ‘King’s Gos’. Another two of the eight pupils chose the masthead- ‘Henaz da’ VIII’. Two pupils chose the masthead-‘Henry Times’. And the final pupil chose the masthead ‘KHS’. As Kings Gos’ was the highest voted, I am most likely to chose this one, however I was hoping that the favourite masthead of the pupils would have been KHS as it can be used in big bold font, and still look good, which is what I wanted to go for, yet I have still decided to put thought into everyone’s decisions.
Five of the people I handed questionnaires out to where males, and three where females so this may affect my results in the way how females find a front cover of a school magazine attractive and informative, to what males think, so I must take this into consideration when designing my front cover, maybe a combination of the two perspectives.
For question four, I asked the pupils how the received information from the media and roughly seventy percent of them chose the option internet, which lowered their interest in having a school magazine from the start, but then I thought, the information that would be offered to the reader of this school magazine will only be available to them via this magazine and will not be able to be accessed via any form of media, this may increase the interest in magazines, if not to everyone then maybe to my target audience.
In my results seven out of eight chose the option ‘School gossip’ when I asked them what sort of content would they be interested in being in the magazine, so on my front cover I will most certainly be including a sell line informing the reader of some kind of school gossip within the magazine. As I told the pupils they could tick as many options as they wanted, other popular results consisted of ‘Sports’, ‘Latest school success’ and ‘Teachers lives’. Only two were interested in school news.
As my target audience was that of year twelve and year thirteen when I asked the question ‘Who would you want the magazine to be aimed at?’ I was given the response I accepted. One hundred percent of results said that the wanted the magazine to be aimed at the sixth formers and I will defiantly be using this information, by making my cover look appealing to pupils of this age group.
When I asked the simple question of ‘Would you buy the school magazine?’ I was actually rather shocked by the response, so many pupils said that they collect their information from the media by means of the internet, but six out of eight pupils said that they would buy the magazine, so it will be those six pupils that will be the only valid results to me, and I will only take their answers into consideration.
From my results, I have discovered that the pupils I asked all think that the magazine should be priced around about fifty pence, so I think If I was to price the magazine and sell it, I would sell it at the price of fifty pence.
I asked the question ‘What slogan do you prefer?’ And I gave the pupils I asked I few options, and most of them picked the humours option of ‘School of the historic pimp’. Whether this is appropriate, I do not know, but I will likely use this as it’s had the most liked response.


1.                             What colours would you like to see in a school magazine?
-Yellow and black
-white and
-Black and white
-Blue and yellow
2.                             Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
- King’s gos’
-Henry times
-Henaz da’ VIII
-King Henry
3.                             Are you male or a female?
4.                             How do you receive your information from the media?
-The internet
5.                             Please circle two of the following storys that would interest you.
-School news
-Latest school success
-School gossip
-Teachers lives
6.                             What year group are you in?
-Sixth form
7.                             Who would you want the magazine to be aimed at?
-School teachers
-students (sixth form)
-years eleven and bellow

8.                             Would you buy the school magazine?
- Yes
- No
9.                             How much would you pay for the magazine? ( be responsible)
- 01p to 50p
-50p to £1.00
-£1.00 to £2.00
-anything above £2.00
10.               Which of the following slogans do you like.
-Chosen by you, made for you!
-School of the historic pimp
-Welcome back
-A new start, for some.
-Learning made fun..kinda