Monday 28 November 2011

Reader profile questionnaire

  1. Are you male or female?
  2. How old are you?
    17 or above
  3. Do you work part time?
  4. How do you purchases albums and tracks?
    Via download
    Purchase at a store
  5. Do you still study in College/Sixthform/Uni
  6. How often do you go to gigs?
    1-2 times a month
    2-3 times a month
    3-4 times a month
    More than 4 times a month
  7. How do you purchase your tickets?
    At stores
  8. Do you enjoy listening to new artist
    No, prefer the older artists
  9. Do you own a PC/MAC?
  10. Do you own an Ipod/MP3
  11. Do you own a stereo
  12. Do you own a DVD player?
  13. Do you own a Smartphone/Iphone
  14. Do you own an Ipad/Android tablet
  15. Do you own a games console/ PC gaming
  16. Do you use social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr? If so please state
    No, none

Thursday 24 November 2011

Main image, possible inspiration-

I found this album cover while looking into what genre to involve in my music magazine (rap/grime), i thought the image style would make a good main image on my front cover, so i may take an image in a similar style as this to use on my cover.

Things i need to consider when using a main image on my music magazine cover-

  • Setting
  • Costume
  • Props 
  • Camera angle
  • Lighting
  • Background
  • Model position
  • Hair style
  • Make up
  • Number of models
  • Shot distance
  • The genre
  • Pose
  • Composition

Friday 11 November 2011

Magazine front cover Evaluation

When I first set out to create my magazine cover I handed out a questionnaire to a few selected people, this questionnaire was to determent what people would like, and prefer to feature on the front cover of the school magazine.

With the results of this questionnaire I took many answers into consideration, like for example the fact that it should be aimed at six formers and also the yellow and black colour scheme.
However, on some decisions i decided to go my own route and go with what I thought belonged on my magazine front cover.

For the main image I used a photo I took of two six formers who I know and are good friends, so I knew they would be liable to trust to be mature about this kind of thing. I specifically chose a female and male as not to be sexist and only have one sex on the front cover, as being aimed at the six form, this magazine should also be aimed at all sexes.

As for the title and slogan, I decided to go with the orginal KHS just simply because, its big, bold stands out and looks good. However I chose to use this ‘comic’ slogan as for one it gained the highest vote on my questionnaire and also, as this magazine is aimed at six formers, who would be the age 16-18 then they would understand a joke like this and shouldn’t find it offensive in anyway.

I aimed the main sell line to year 12, ‘Yeah 12? It’s a whole new start!’ Mostly because I myself am in year 12 and also the students on the front are also in the same year as I am. Then the sell lines at the bottom where mainly random story's that I included in my  questionnaire, but also my final one ‘MW3: Help with your addiction!’ I used this due to the latest release of an extremely popular FPS video game, which can be easily related to by a lot of students in the sixth form. 

JPEG of front cover.